Introductory documentation:

  1. LIBPF™ Technology Introduction
  2. System integrator tutorial for access to the Pasteur model via the RESTful LIBPF™ Model User API

Reference documentation:

  1. Pasteur (continuous pasteurization process for food fluids) LIBPF™ model specification
  2. LIBPF™ Model User API documentation
  3. Doxygen-generated reference documentation for the LIBPF™ C++ Model User API
  4. LIBPF™ Python Model User API documentation
  5. LIBPF™ RESTful Model User API documentation

LIBPF™ RESTful API cheatsheet

Action HTTP verb URL Input parameters Response
Create POST /pasteur/cases
  "description":"test case",
  "case_uuid": "...",
  "type": "Pasteur",
  "tag": "case123",
  "description": "test case",
Read GET /pasteur/cases/<case_uuid> /quantities/PUMP.We -
  "path": "PUMP.We",
  "value": -3928820.46064786,
Update POST /pasteur/cases/<case_uuid>
  "controlled": [
      "variable": "feed",
      "end": 3000.0
    }, {
      "variable": "coolT",
      "end": 300.0
  "case_uuid": "...",
  "type": "Pasteur",
  "tag": "case123",
  "description": "test case",
Delete DELETE /pasteur/cases/<case_uuid> -
  "service_uuid": "..."

All material copyright (C) simevo s.r.l. 2014-2020 except: Cow designed by Marco Hernandez, Store designed by Martha Ormiston, Cloud designed by Pieter J. Smits, Gears designed by Cris Dobbins all from the Noun Project, Creative Commons – Attribution (CC BY 3.0) license; pasteurizing plant borrowed from; “logo” made with; bootstrap framework Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Twitter, Inc